OUR STORY ABOUT ME BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION COACHING ARTICLES TESTIMONIALS CONTACT US POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Joanne has been working in both SMEs and corporate organisations for more than 20 years. She is familiar with the career progressing pathway in the coporate setting and believe that coaching is essential to help one to do well in his/her career. In her work with clients, she uses blended approaches like neuroscience, emotional quotient, transactional Analysis therapy techniques to help individuals to work through unwanted habitual patterns and gain autonomy towards self-empowerment. Copyright Mind-Stream 2020 I All Rights Reserved Joanne Chua , ICF Certified Coach Being a Certified Transactional Analysis therapist, she has an acute perception of her clients' roots presenting problems. The issues we face result from childhood script that sits in our subconscious that influences our behavior in adulthood. Unless these unhealthy beliefs that store in our subconscious are brought to the surface for our awareness, we will break undesired patterns and behaviors. Certain memories, beliefs, and perceptions in our experience will have to be reevaluated and processed to achieve emotional freedom and inner equilibrium. BRAIN BASED COACHING CERTIFICATION MEMBER WITH INTERNATIONAL COACHING FEDERATION MASTER CERTIFIED COACH (PCC), INTERNATIONAL COACHING FEDERATION MASTER IN SOCIAL SCIENCE (PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING) CERTIFIED COACHHUB COACH CERTIFIED EQ FACILITATOR CERTIFIED TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS PRACTITIONER EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE PRACTITIONER CERTIFICATION ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE WSQ DIPLOMA IN DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING FOR PERFORMANCE Credentials |